About Brokers 401k Advice

Philip M. Engleson

  • Over 30 years offering financial services
  • Advise people on over $60 million of assets
  • Advise our clients on over 70 different companies 401K plans

Other retirement plans which we advise on include:

  • Fortune 500 company plans
  • U.S. Government plans
  • State and County Deferred Compensation plans

Brokers 401k Advice has 7 team members to support you.

Phil Engleson was introduced to the financial arena and was first exposed to technical analysis when he spent time charting stocks by hand for his father. He went on to build a successful financial advisement business in Upstate New York using this method.

In 2003, after struggling with the idea of "there must be a better way" to evaluate funds, he returned to familiar ground when he began using Dorsey Wright and Associates technical analysis. Finally the power of the 21st century provided instant point and figure charting for stocks and mutual funds.